She was born in 1984. She graduated from Istanbul Commerce University, Faculty of Law. Since completing her legal internship, she has been working as a lawyer for 13 years as a registered lawyer in Istanbul Bar Association. Since 2015, Kerem Moda INC has been the chairman of the board of directors and a company lawyer. She is married and mother of 2 children.
He was born in Istanbul in 1983. He is originally from Trabzon. He is a graduate of Istanbul Commerce University International Trade. Later, he completed his language education at Miami Barry University and returned to his country, and started his business life. He is married with 2 children.
She was born in 1969 in Istanbul. After completing her education at Kültür College, she went to England for language education. After returning to Turkey in 1990, she started his business life. With 30 years of experience, she specializes in marketing, fabric planning, printing, embroidery, and accessories.
He was born in 1957 in Vakfıkebir-Trabzon. After Trabzon Commercial High School, he graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Public Administration in 1980. He did wholesale yarn trade-in Sultanhamam for 10 years. Since 1990, it has been producing and exporting textile apparel. He specializes in international trade, business, management and finance.